Red-tailed Hawk  Buteo jamaicenis
Red-tailed Hawk  Buteo jamaicenis

A bird of open country, the Red-tailed Hawk is the most common and widespread hawk in North America.  Identified by its reddish brown tails its plumage varies by regional boundaries, with the exception of the Harlans Hawk, a very dark form once thought to be a separate species.
The cry of the Red-tailed Hawk has been often used in movies to depict the sound of many birds of prey throughout the world.
Seen along roadsides, plains, prairie groves, mountains, woodlands and open country it feeds on small mammals, such as voles, rats and rabbits, birds as large as pheasant, and reptiles especially snakes.
Nesting in trees up to 120 ft. above ground, it will also nest on cliffs and artificial structures, like “Pale Male” in New York City.

Copyright Mark Tiefenbach Deepbrook Nature Photography